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The CTF association at TU/e.

Privilege Escalation Training Night!

Join us for a hands-on workshop diving into Privilege Escalation and Lateral Movement techniques! Learn how attackers exploit vulnerabilities to gain elevated access and move through systems in a CTF environment.

Here's what we'll cover:

Bring your laptop 💻 and your curiosity, we'll provide the rest! No prior experience needed, this workshop is perfect for beginners who want to take the first step toward mastering cybersecurity. Spaces are limited! Secure your spot now by filling out the participation form below!

Date: February 12th (Wednesday)

Location: Neuron 0.118

18:00 - 20:00


Goals & Vision

In our eyes, CTFs are one of the best aspects of cybersecurity. They provide a great way to learn, but can also be described as a purely competitive sport, thereby providing value for individuals of all skill levels in the field. Not only that, but they also bring people together, which is a priceless quality in any technical environment.

The board of E.S.H.A. Trojan not only aims to establish a medium through which people of any background can start participating in CTFs, but also to create a thriving community of hackers to share experiences with.

We have subdivided this vision into four separate goals:

  1. Setting up structural training aimed to improve your ability to solve CTF challenges
  2. Providing opportunities for members to participate in CTFs and making them more accessible as a whole
  3. Finding ways to connect people that share a passion for hacking
  4. Organizing a large scale annual CTF of our own

We wish to foster this community and cannot wait to see it grow. In the rest of our policy plan, we will convince you on how we will achieve these goals. But more importantly, we hope to persuade you to join E.S.H.A. Trojan.

The 0th Board of E.S.H.A. Trojan